"The reason people come to Midnight Mass is to take pictures of the experience and listen to the choir songs," the woman next to me whispered to her husband.

While some may disagree, it's certainly a big draw for parishioners of St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica in Covington. With several hundred in attendance, and the massive sanctuary filled with standing room only, this popular Christmas Mass is definitely worth staying up late for.

As parishioners arrive, the Cathedral remains completely dark until midnight

The choir performed many songs in the dark as the hour-long prelude to Mass. Here's one of my favorites: Gloria (In Excelsis Deo), which echoed between soloist in the loft to the choir gathered on the ground floor.

The lights gradually flicker on as Mass begins. Check it out in the video below.

The boy on the right has the duty of holding the Bishop's hat.

For those "It's A Wonderful Life" fans, check out the next video of the Mass finale.

After Mass, the Bishop shook the hand of every parishioner as they exited.